STOP Doing These In Your Social Media Pages!

Let’s face it. The days of ‘spray and pray' are over, but if you want to be successful then doing the right social media marketing is an absolute must for any business these days!

The way that people use their smartphones has changed dramatically in recent years; they're always checking them throughout the day which means content needs keep up with this trend as well- otherwise what good does posting five times per week do when nobody sees anything because everyone's busy scrolling through feeds? Or maybe you're just doing it wrong?

Oh, you won’t be here if you didn’t need help. Are you doing any of these things on your social media page? If so, it's time to stop. These are things that businesses and organizations should avoid if they want to be successful in their social media marketing. Keep reading to find out what they are and how to fix them!

1. Stop prioritizing quantity over quality.

Oh, snap! Are you a little guilty of doing this? Over the years, we have always believed that "the more we post, the more audiences see it." Not always relevant to the point.

You want people to interact with your brand, not just see it, scroll down, and move on or, in some cases, algorithmically, never see it AT ALL. If your audience interacts with your brand, you'll be more likely to let them remember who you are, each step closer to your goal of converting them into customers. Quality content–not quantity, builds engagement.

2. Stop posting without a plan.

“This idea is going to look wonderful on my page, I can already tell!” ***Inserts happy emoticons. 🥹😇😊☺️😎***

This is going to look AMAZING on our social media, so we share it in the hopes that our audience will enjoy it, which they frequently do. After days have passed, we unexpectedly receive a shocking reminder that we haven't posted anything. As organizations using social media, we need to keep in mind three fundamental principles: Be active, consistent, and engaged always, not just when we have time.

3. Quit the leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeengthy captions.

Digital millennials want information QUICKLY. That’s the truth. What messages and material will be most appealing to your target audiences? We're sorry to break it to you, but if you're producing essay after essay, this isn't working because it will not resonate. You should be looking for compelling material with catchy headlines or interactive information that will provoke your target audience's decision-making.

4. Don’t be silent.

Hello? Are you there? Can somebody assist me with my inquiry?

Let's be clear about one thing: customers dislike being ignored. In actuality, they always are being ignored. When consumers contact social sites like Facebook with an inquiry and get no response, they will surely lose interest in actually buying your product or acquiring your service.

Another thing to keep in mind is that users nearly always demand a response right away. Our best advice is to have automated responses available whenever you can. A few of these integrated messenger systems are made to cut down on back-and-forth communication between you and your customer.

5. Stop hiding from your posts.

People we trust are who we buy from. It really is that easy, and despite the fact that technology is advancing quickly, this is still true today and will continue to be.

Do not be hesitant to introduce the company's employees. Make a big deal out of any accomplishments, such as someone reaching the peak of a mountain or a significant corporate milestone. Your target consumers will see that real individuals are behind all of your postings and advertisements.

Since we often communicate via email in our company, we are aware that when audiences interact with us on social media, it gives them confidence that they are not interacting with machines.

Need help with your social media marketing?

If you’re guilty of any of these social media sins, it may be time to call in reinforcements. Our social media specialists at Marketing In Care can assist you with your content and help get your online presence back on track. With our help, you can create engaging and effective social media campaigns that will have your followers coming back for more. Contact us today to learn more!


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